Thursday, September 16, 2010

5 years ago today I became a Mommy........

I can not believe my first born is already 5 years old! Where in the heck has the time gone???? In these fast/short 5 years I've watched a beautiful bald head, blue eyed, baby grow into a blonde haired, hazel eyed, smart, joyful, caring, passionate, mature young girl!!!! I really can't believe it's been 5 years. So much has changed in 5 years! Josh and I also gave Harley a little brother, Derek, and a little sister, Melissa. Harley is so good with her younger siblings!! I love to watch her play with them and in turn they both LOVE and ADORE their big sister so much! It truly melts my heart! I've wrote a letter (that mind you, I started to cry when writing it) to Harley! I want Harley to know how much I love her and how blessed and thankful to God I am for allowing me to be her Mommy! I never knew what love was until I had Harley and I heard her cry for the first time!!! That's something I'll never forget!!! Ugh, here goes the tears again, LOL!!! I've also become such a sap when it comes to my kids too!

Dear Harley,

Today marks a very special day for me. 5 years ago today I became a Mommy to a goregous daughter! When I heard you cry for the first time, I lost it, I cried too!!! When the nurse brought you to me, the sight of you truly took my breath away. I was so overcomed with joy that more tears poured down my face. Your Daddy and I had the most visitors that weekend at the hospital! EVERYONE wanted to come and meet you! The nurses finally had to take my phone off the hook and they stopped people from coming into our hosptial room so we could get some sleep! You didn't know it but you were already LOVED so much by so many people! Your Daddy and I thought you looked like a cute little glow worm wrapped up in the hospital blankets and the hat they put on you! From Day 1 you were Daddy's "Pretty Girl" and Mommy's "Cutie Pie"! Those nicknames we still call you to this day!
I can't believe it's been 5 years since you were first placed in my arms. Harley, being your Mommy has been the GREATEST expierence of my life! How ironic - as I write you this letter, Sara Evan's song "You'll Alway's Be My Baby" is playing on the radio. Harley you were my first baby! You've taught me so much about myself as a person. Your Daddy and I feel so blessed and we Thank God everyday for allowing us to be your parents! We're so very thankful for you and your brother and sister. Watching you grow up into the smart, beautiful, joyful, passionate, caring, polite, mature young girl you are, has been an amazing journey so far! I have loved watching you discover new things. You truly are a smart little girl and everyone that comes in contact with you alway's exclaims how bright you are! Harley you are such a polite kid. You have excellent manners and it makes me so happy to see other's faces when they hear a "Please" or "Thank You" or "Yes, please" or "No thank you" coming from your little mouth. It also makes me extremely happy to watch your love for God grow!! You love going to church and you love to pray for others to heal, you love for me to read the Bible to you and you enjoy learning about God and Jesus! I love watching this love that you have for our heavenly father, God, grow, it's so amazing!
I am having such a blast being your Mommy. I love painting your nails and toe nails. I love our talks! I love taking you to your soccer practices and games. It gives me great joy to watch you enjoy playing a sport. Your also a little cowgirl and that really makes me HAPPY!!! I'm so glad that my love of horses has passed down to you. I love watching you ride your pony Plug all over the field by yourself. Harley I truly LOVE being your Mommy!! I wish I didn't have to work full time because I really don't want to miss you or your brother and sister growing up. Happy 5th Birthday Harley Nicole! Your Daddy and I love you so very much and we LOVE being your parents!!!!! I hope you enjoy your very special day!!!!


Such a cute little baby

A happy baby

I love her so much

Daddy's girl

Miss personality

Goofy little girl

Snake woman

A Beautiful Butterfly

Harley and her sibling's, they love her so much, oh and her kitty too :-)


  1. Hope you had a great b-day Harley! You are such a cutie!!!

  2. Awwww your babies are adorable!!! I can't even imagine the day Ryder turns 5, I'm sure it will happen so fast though so I better just prepare myself.

    Your comment on my blog was so sweet :) Thank you!
