Monday, November 8, 2010

Oh Monday why did you have to visit me so soon, LOL

UGH, I've never really been a Monday person! It seems like my weekends are always jammed packed and I never get a day to just breathe! Saturday we had a family function to go too! Josh had a tree job in the morning and took Harley with him. She enjoyed having her Daddy all to herself and I inturn had Derek and Melissa all to myself! I'm was and still am bummed I wasn't able to make it to the blogger party! I'm so sorry ladies, I was really looking forward to meeting some of you!! Sunday I did not leave the house! I finished my cleaning while Josh took Harley and Derek to work with him! So it was just me and my Sweet Melissa. She LOVES her one on one time with Mommy! So by the time Josh got home, I had dinner all made and on the table! GO ME!! LOL!!!

I'm so happy that this week is a 3 day work week for me :-) Thursday is Vetern's Day (government holiday) and Friday is my CWS day, YAY!! At the moment I can't of anything we have planned but there's something nagging me in the back of my head that I do have something, I just can't remember what it is. DARN IT, my memory has really faded since I've had my kids. Have any of you other Momma's out there expierenced memory loss? LOL

Looking forward to tomorrow night, I'm meeting my Momma at the barn to ride "Lerch" as I have nicknamed him. I haven't ridden in a good 7-8 months. I already have neck and back pain, so I'm sure I'll be SORE Wednesday but I'm looking forward to it. Riding horses is in my book, THE BEST workout EVER! It works every muscle in your body!!! Alrighty, time to jump off here!!!!

I hope everyone has a wondferful week and Brandy - I'm glad "TEAM RYDER" had such an amazing turnout/support!!! I definitely would love to be invloved next year :-)


  1. I am jealous that you get off for the rest of the weekend. I have to go to work tomorrow - I am hoping that they give us 59 because I think we are going to be slow! So how did the horse riding go? You are going to be so sore! You will discover all those muscles that you haven't used in 7-8 months! =)

  2. Hey Theresa!! I'm So sorry that I never saw this blog post, I dont know how I missed reading it. But thanks for the shout out to Team Ryder :) And hopefully we'll have another get together soon! We'll definitely let you know when it is and hopefully you'll be able to make it and bring your beautiful little blonde headed babies!

  3. Sign me up for riding horses! Please! I need those kind of work outs!!
