Wednesday, February 1, 2012

So sorry..........

I'm so sorry that the last time I blogged was 08NOV11. That's just crazy. But crazy is exactly how my life has been. Working two jobs and raising 3 kids as a single mother is pretty hectic. Let me recap quickly on our holidays:

Harley sound asleep on Christmas Eve, 2011

This picture just cracks me up. I went up to check on the kids to make sure they were asleep before we could do the whole "Santa Thing" and this is what I saw. TOO CUTE. She woke up the next morning telling me that her blindfolds really helped her to get to sleep fast and to get a good nights sleep. LOL

Derek sound asleep on Christmas Eve, 2011

Melissa sound asleep on Christmas Eve, 2011 (if you look closely, she is asleep with her eyes open a little bit)

Christmas 2011 Morning

To say the kids were SPOILED by Santa and his helpers is a complete understatment. Kristin, Joey and I were so excited to set up the gifts for the kids on Christmas Eve. I believe Joey was the one who was the most excited b/c that's all he had been talking about.

Happy New Year!!!

The kids spent New Year's Eve and Day with their father. So Kristin and Joey decided to have people over the house. We had a great time with some pretty terrific friends.

H&D getting ready to watch Beauty and the Beast 3D

Momma & Melissa getting ready for Beauty and the Beast 3D

I hate to admit that I've never taken my kids to the movies. My parents, my sister and Josh's brother and sister-n-law have but I haven't. Two weekends ago I decided that I was going to take them and I took them by myself. I was nervous about going to the movies with 3 kids by myself but we had a great time. The kids enjoyed the movie and so did I. When the kids started laughing, the people around us started laughing at them for laughing so hard. It was cute. Not gonna lie, it was also a little depressing to think that I had to do this all by myself. The whole "Single Mother" really sunk in that day. But I also came out of it knowing that "I GOT THIS"!

I love this little girl. It's crazy to think that my baby will be 3 this month. The saying "Time Flies" is oh so true for me.

My favorite guy EVER!!! My baby boy will be 5 this month. They all really need to stop GROWING UP!!!

My pretty girls playing on the laptop

Harley is so smart and we get on this one site for kids to read books on and to do little puzzles on. She LOVES it and so does her brother and sister. She was helping Melissa with it the other day. She's such a thoughtful child (well, when she wants to be and when it benefits her, lol)

I've got an app on my iphone and the kids like to take silly pictures with Mommy:

Mommy and Derek

Mommy and Harley

Momma and Melissa

I've got a boat load of more pics, so I'll to do a post from my phone that way I can upload them straight from there. I hope everyone's doing well and your new year has been going well so far :-)


  1. You look great, momma!! You're doing a wonderful job as a single mother :)

  2. Such a good Mommy :) That was really brave to take all 3 kids to the movies!! That made me nervous for you! Glad you guys had a good Christmas :)
