Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Another long overdue post

Yep, I officially suck at updating this blog. Well there is always something new in my life. Work is crazy busy. I'm back at Indian head and I'm loving my 20 minute commute to work. Harley started 1st grade and Derek started Kindergarten. Ugh, I hate that my kiddos are growing up. I took another part time job. Christmas is coming up and that means presents for not just one kid but three and their list are a little expensive.
Their father and I are not seeing eye to eye on our current custody arrangement so I've got that I'm dealing with. I think things are finally starting to take it's toll on the kids and I have seen a big dip in their attitudes. Not liking that one bit.
The guy that I've been seeing off and on since last October, we finally sat down and decided that this relationship was worth a real try. The kids love him and he loves them right back. What's awesome is that his family is very excepting of me and the kids and that has been such a relief to me.
My BFF just got married this past weekend. It was a beautiful wedding that I was honored to be apart of. Harley was the flower girl, Derek was the ring bearer and Melissa handed out the programs.

The kids on their first day of school

My man and Melissa singing their ABC's

Harley on her 7th birthday

Goofing around with my baby

My kids doing their thing

LOVE this picture

My two best friends, Kristin the bride and Holly was another bridesmaid

My Boo and I <3 him so very much

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. I love your updates :) You guys all looked so beautiful at the wedding! I love seeing all your instagram pics too, seems like you're really happy! I'll be praying for you and the whole custody thing :/

    1. Thanks girl! Your instagram pics are adorable!!! This whole custody thing has me in such a mess but it needs to be done. The kids need a set visitation schedule, etc.
