Thursday, September 2, 2010

It's my Friday (YAY) and.............

Exactly two weeks from today my first born child, Harley Nicole, will be 5!!!! Holy moly where has the time gone??? As I'm looking back, I've remembered what I was doing the two weeks prior to her birth! I was 23 years old, getting so nervous about becoming a mom for the first time and I was going to back to back doctor's visit's. The doctor was a little worried because Harley's head was a "little big"! He wasn't sure if I was going to have problems delivering her naturally so we decided to go ahead and schedule a C-Section! Even though I was disppointed that I wouldn't get to expierence child birth, I was however relieved to know the exact day my baby girl would bless us with her presence! I have started writing a letter to Harley, so I'll share that here on her birthday! Wow, I'm going to be a mommy to a 5 year old soon, that's just crazy and I just can't get a grip on it!

Last night was the start up again of Team Kid night at my church (Nanjemoy Baptist Church)! I had Harley and Derek all excited to go to it!! Well on the way there we passed Josh, so we both stopped to chat for a second! Derek got one look at Daddy and told me (very loudly too) that he wanted to go with his Daddy! I told him that I was taking him and sissy (that's what he and Melissa call Harley) to church for Team Kid night. He told me, "Nope, I not go, I go with my Daddy!" OK FINE, was my reaction so Harley was the only one that went last night and she LOVED it! She talked my ear off the whole ride home about what they did and the story that was read to them about Jesus! What makes me so proud of Harley is her ability to comprehend things and actually understand it! I love that fact that Harley is really into going to church to learn about the Lord and she is really digging it! That makes me so proud and it truly melts my heart everytime I hear her get excited about telling me a story about the Lord! God is truly coming through to me using her!!!! She's so excited to go back to Team Kid next week and I hope to have Derek there too! I've signed him up for it already!!!

This coming Saturday is Harley's first soccer game and she is so excited to play! I can't wait to see her all dressed up in her soccer gear either! Don't worry, I'll have my camera on hand to capture that moment!!! Well I gotta run, I plan on taking my computer home with me this weekend to do some stuff online so I might have a update for ya but if not, then it'll be next week before I can post!!

Have a GREAT and SAFE Labor Day weekend everyone!!!! It's a 4 day weekend for me ;-)

Here is Harley sound asleep at only a month old!!! Just looking at this picture brings a tear to my eyes! It only seems like yesterday that she was just born!

This was taken 2 summer's ago!! I love her face!

My soon to be 5 year old!!! She's just a beautiful little girl!

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