Friday, February 11, 2011

A month later..........

Well my last post was kinda sappy/depressing!!!! But I needed to catch the way I was feeling down. I go back and read it to remind myself to SNAP OUT OF IT, life is too short/precious to sit around feeling sorry for yourself!!!! I feel sooo much better too!!! Not only do I feel better about myself but about life in general!!!! I'm really loving the person I know I want to be and am slowing becoming!!!! For the past couple years, I've sat back and let people walk all over me. I didn't do anything for myself. I've ALWAYS PUT OTHER'S BEFORE ME!!!! Well 2011 is going to be (and far has) different.

I'm making it a point to have a better relationship with God. I know I've struggled with this for sooo long!!! I feel like I'm such a weak person and don't know how to serve him the way he deserves to be worshiped! But really is there a "Right" way too?? I've started teaching Harley and Derek's class at Team Kid every Wednesday with my best friend Kelly!!! So far we are having a ball and I'm so happy to be interacting with these kids!!!! Derek told me that Miss Mommy and Miss Kelly were the best teachers ever!!! I love that boy!!! Harley also told me the same thing too!! I'm also attending a women's small group at Mandi's house every Thursday. It just started 2 weeks ago! Let me tell you, every woman there is such a blessing!! I'm really glad that I am sticking to my guns and participating in this group!!! My thursday's have just picked up and it really gives me something to look forward too. The best part is, I'm not alone!! I'm not alone in feeling that I'm the only one going through some pretty stressful situations.

So hopefully I'll be posting good things from here on out!!!! OHHH, I've got one good thing to post about! I just picked up my new baby last night!!! Since I can't have anymore babies and I've had BABY FEVER so bad, I got a new puppy.


He's a 9week old Bulloxer (American Bulldong/Boxer)

I'm sooo in love with him. I just picked him up last night. I've actually had him picked out since he was 2 weeks old!

I love his color/markings!!!!!

Ok well I need to run, got a lot of stuff to do here at work!!! I just wanted to stop by and give you all an update!!! Hope everyone has a AWESOME VALENTINES DAY :-)


  1. Magnum is adorable :) Glad 2011 will be (and has been) a better year for you so far :)

  2. So proud of you, girl!! You are a blessing & you AREN'T alone! :)

  3. Awwww I'm in love with your puppy!!! And so glad that this year has been better for you already :)
